Quite a week we are having huh?

Just normal everyday, nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, if you can believe it, I don't have a lot to say, because I feel like so much has been said, and because maybe another white guy talking about the terrible state of race relations, and racist policing in this country isn't always helpful. And because now is a great time to listen to the folks affected who have been saying these things for months, years or decades. Things have to change. Black lives matter. They matter way more than windows or feelings, or the polite status quo. Enough with the tired charges of looting as a way to not discuss the real issue, while people's lives are being taken. Its actually time to stop having the state murder people.

 Weird that this is even a discussion in modern America, but we are also still definitely against facisim, which makes us by definition anti facsist. That used to be quite a solid American value, especially around say 1945, it's a shame how good things fall out of fashion.

We are very much pro good food, and that is what we do to be active in our community. We believe it directly links to good health, which we need in a pandemic. especially in a country without access to healthcare for all people.  Food is what links us to so many of our friends and it feels good to be able to have and to offer others something consistent right about now.

It feels pretty weird selling anything at this time, of upheaval, and sadness, anger, and righteous rebellion.But vegetation doesn't care about current events and our CSA shares are still going up at 7 am tomorrow(Friday) , we have more to offer now that we have lots of food coming in, so if you've been missing out try again.

We are still quite happy to send them to anyone who needs them but can't pay at this time, just send us addresses.

Much love to all, Stay Healthy